How Long Does It Take To Get A Divorce In Brentwood?

You may envision a long and drawn out process if you are considering divorce, or if the process has already started. Fortunately, that is not always the case. The timeline of a divorce in Brentwood can vary greatly, depending on the facts of the case. Your case may be finalized within two to six months, or it could take as long as two years. After reviewing your case, a Brentwood family lawyer can advise on how long it may take, and can help the process proceed as quickly as possible.
Issues that Affect the Timeline of a Divorce Case
One of the biggest issues that will affect the length of any divorce case is whether the spouses can agree to all terms. If the spouses can agree to all terms, it is considered an uncontested divorce and the case will proceed fairly quickly. When spouses cannot agree to all terms, it is a contested divorce. Contested divorces take much longer, depending on the nature of the disputes and how many there are. The other main factors that will affect the timeline of a divorce case are as follows:
- The marital property involved, including assets and liability
- Whether children are involved
- Whether litigation is necessary
- The location of the parties involved
The Waiting Period in Brentwood
No divorce in Brentwood is finalized as soon as one spouse files for divorce. Under Tennessee law, there is a mandatory waiting period both spouses must comply with after the initial complaint is filed. The waiting period is 60 days when the spouses do not have any children. The waiting period is extended to 90 days when couples do have children together. Many people refer to this as the “cooling off period” because it can give the parties a chance to cool off and reconcile their differences. It is not possible to waive the waiting period.
Serving the Divorce Papers
After the divorce complaint is filed with the appropriate court, a private process server or deputy sheriff must serve the non-filing spouse with the paperwork. Generally speaking, once the spouse is properly served, they have 30 days to respond, in which they can address any accusations outlined in the complaint.
Divorces with Children Can Take Longer
Any time children are involved in a divorce, the process can take longer. This is in part due to the fact that the waiting period is longer, and that disputes involving child custody often become more heated than any other divorce term.
Also, divorcing parents who have children together must also attend a parenting course. This course is intended to teach the parties how to co-parent peacefully and effectively after the divorce, and how to lessen the impact of the divorce on children. No divorce that involves children can be finalized until both parents have received a certificate of completion from one of these courses.
Our Family Lawyers in Brentwood Can Make the Process Easier
When going through a divorce, you likely want to get it over with as quickly as possible. At Beal | Crutcher, our Brentwood family lawyers have the necessary experience to ensure your case proceeds as quickly as possible while still protecting your rights. Call us today at 615-861-2304 or contact us online to schedule a confidential consultation so we can review your case.